Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Dan and I got to watch the sun set at Catherines Cove on Mnday night. Thankfully so since the rest of the nights were cold, windy or rainy.Our campsite was right on the beach.


Dan and I had his parents camper while my sister Donna and her husband Phil stayed in the tent (beneath the big green tarp to protect from rain and wind wich we had plenty of).

Donna and I found a great spot down the beach to sit and read. They guys found us after their long hike.

I hunkered down in the camper to read the last day. We had dinner in the camper and then when the weather cleared a bit Donna and Phil enjoyed a roaring camp fire.

1 comment:

Sooze said...

I've read that entire series of Beverly Lewis books! Loved them all!!