Thursday, October 18, 2007


23-26, 28
"Yet I still BELONG TO YOU; You are HOLDING MY RIGHT HAND. You will keep on GUIDING ME with Your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but you? I DESIRE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING ON EARTH. MY HEALTH MAY FAIL, AND MY SPIRIT MAY GROW WEAK, BUT GOD REMAINS THE STRENGTH OF MY HEART; He is mine forever. AS FOR ME, HOW GOOD IT IS TO BE NEAR GOD! I have made the Sorvereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful thngs you do." AMEN

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Well I don't know how to go back and fix the above pix so here's a few more...


Dan and I got to watch the sun set at Catherines Cove on Mnday night. Thankfully so since the rest of the nights were cold, windy or rainy.Our campsite was right on the beach.


Dan and I had his parents camper while my sister Donna and her husband Phil stayed in the tent (beneath the big green tarp to protect from rain and wind wich we had plenty of).

Donna and I found a great spot down the beach to sit and read. They guys found us after their long hike.

I hunkered down in the camper to read the last day. We had dinner in the camper and then when the weather cleared a bit Donna and Phil enjoyed a roaring camp fire.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I woke up last Thursday morning and that old "fatigue" had reared it's ugly head. I dragged myself to Verizon's with Donna to take care of a confusing phone Bill (what a surprise) and then off to Bible study at the office. But I just couldn't make it, I excused myself and headed to the "couch room" for a nap. I realized that I was not going to improve so I talked to Trent packed up a lap top and headed home. Well it's Wednesday and I still haven't been back to work. I did make it out Saturday night for Ryan and Cristi's wedding (My Boss Trent's son and one of our club directors)... it was wonderful. So, here I am again, at home, on the couch, working a couple hours, resting a couple hours, working an hour, resting and hour (repeat all day long). I try to trust the Lord, but it's hard. I can get myself caught up in worrying...what if I don't get better, what if I run out of sick days, what if I have to cut my hours or give up working...I don't want to have to sell our country home...

Then one of today's words from "Eerdmans Word Studies in te Greek New Testament, Vol III(a book Dan brought home and told me I might like so I've been reading it as part of my devotional time)was "WORRY". So here's what I got out of it. Combining Philippians 4:6&7 and 1 Peter 5:7 with the Greek meanings of the words worries and cares I came up with..."Stop perpetually worrying about any one thing. Pray about it. Tell God what you need and thank Him for what He has done. Decide not to worry but to trust Him will all your worries because your welfare is a concern to Him (God wants what is best for you.) Then you will experience God's peace that will guard your mind (thoughts from worry) and heart (emotions from fear) as you live in Christ.
MY PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I choose to stop worrying about my health and the financial consequences. You know what we need to live. Thank you for always providing for us. Thank you that Dan has had steady work. Thank you that I can work from home (my own lap-top would be nice though :)) Thank you that we have a wonderful place to live, loving pets, and plenty of food to eat. I know that you want what is best for Dan and I. So, I will choose to trust you and just do the best that I can each day. As you told me, "Do all that you can, no more than you should." And your peace will guard my mind (keep my thoughts form worry) and my heart (keep my emotions form fear) as I live in my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

As that great theological song says, "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY". Have a worry free trust filled day!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Slowin down

[Picture of Melee all gussied up for a wedding!]
I guess the increased activity of the last couple of weeks finally caught up with me. I came home early from work yesterday and crashed all night. I arranged to work from home today...good thing. I am very tired. So a couple days of rest are in order, I don't want a total crash and burn. I am thankful once again for the blessings of the internet and a lap top that I can use so that I can get some work done from the couch. It was great seeing my niece Rachelle (home from the Honor Academy in Texas for a couple of weeks) and Melee (who came home for the weekend to spend time with us and Rachelle). I had monday off so Rachelle and I could take Melee back up to Springhill. Melee gave us a tour, the place is an incredible camp. It made me wish I were a kid again! Well, my head is already foggy so I think I'm going to take a short nap before getting to work here.

Pictures of Clara Belle's visit

Clara when are you coming to visit again? Max misses having you to chase around and I need some cuddling! :) Oh and feel free to bring your people with you...we all enjoy them too!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Long time no blog

Ok Jodi - here ya go - since July 17 I've been...
BUSY that's why I haven't posted anything!
BUT I'm glad you care so...
...YFC has kept me hoping getting the Campus Life curriculum out for the fall. Just yesterday we put the finisthing touches on the video.
...So, I've pretty much been at YFC and then home on the couch...good thing Dan is good at feeding himself since he's on that low carb diet I don't really cook we just eat "whole" foods.
...I had a blast "dog sitting" for the Reeds (David and Lisa and the litter:) ). A little Puggle (Pug Beagle Mix). She was great to nap with. Would snuggle up with me. I loved it and Dan called her a rat dog ... but I would catch him playing with her. I'll post a couple pix later, I haven't down loaded them yet.
...We postponed the vacation we were suppose to be on this week...wich was a very good thing I guess the Lord knew ahead of time that I needed the time to work on the video. Dave Laing and Brian Haas and I muddled through and called Keith a lot.
...Well I'm going to pick up Melee from Spring Hill today for the weekend so I need to a nap before i leave in about an hour.

I promise to blog at least once a week. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I'm making progress little by little. I feel like I am almost back to pre-golftournament crash health. And I've had a couple of busy weeks. My sister Cyndi's kids took turns coming over the last couple of week. First Arik and Natalie and then Julia and Ann Marie. They both stayed over 2 nights with us and we had a ton of fun. But as Arik put it to his sister, "Aunt Patti has to sleep a lot and when she does we just play."

Also Dan turned 41 on July 8th. We had a real low key celebration with just the two of us, just the way he likes it, and enjoyed brunch at his favorite restaurant Clara's.

I have taken up swimming at Lake Jordan just 10 miles up the road. I really love swimming and it is easy on my joints and allows me to be more active.

I'm trying a Vegan (sp?) diet for two weeks at the strong suggestion of my DR. To see if it well help reduce/illiminate the "soft tissue" pain that has been on the increase. SO I'm into day 2! Please pray for me...yikes!

Well gotta get back to work.

Friday, June 29, 2007


Two little "treats" entertained me while I was doing dishes. Pix is a bit fuzzy because it was through the window and screen. I do love living in Sunfield.


"Let's do a throat culture and see what's growing in there when your not infected"
"Let me take a look at all your lab work from Born"
"Next time your throat is infected come in so I can see it"
So, we wait. I am totally cool with this. So, I guess we can go ahead and plan our summer vacation. We are probably going to go up to Lake Superior Provincial Park- in Canada on the North shore of Lake Superior.
I over did at the Golf tournament on Tuesday so am totally run down again but...with pacing myself I hope to "recover" quickly. I'll let ya know what day that is so we can see if I make a record recovery. Hee Hee Hee. Gotta go rest again. I am hoping to go to JOrdan lake up here by my house this afternoon for a bit with 4 nieces and nephews my mom and the Reed family!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007




I PLAYED this weekend and it was AWESOME. We went to the Big Ticket Festival with Kevin and Luann and it was so fun. Between naps we saw Switchfoot, Barlo Girl and our favorite JEREMY CAMP. We were blessed with backstage passes and had fun meeting Jeremy (Kevin's nephew) and his brother Jadin and I even bumped into Laurin Barlo the drummer. We enjoyed the company, meeting Kevin's friends Derick and Jessica...we all laughed a lot. I also bumped into a couple of Spring Hill staff that work with Melee (our God daughter) was nice to chat with them too. Luann and I stayed up way too late talking but it was wonderful.
And...I wasn't totally dead today. It is pretty encouraging to have increased my activity level and still be making progress...don't worry mom and all my "mom" type friends...I am still pacing myself.
Well I have a big day tomorrow...YFC Golf Classic is tomorrow.
So good night.

Monday, June 18, 2007


I have had 4 very encouraging days. Yesssssssssssss! It feels so nice to be up and around for the majority of the day again. I am being careful to still pace myself...I don't want a set back! I got some awesome pictures of a butterfly too. I know it doesn't sound all that exciting but it was! If I can figure out how to do it I will post some. Saturday I was even able to drive myself to run errands - got my hair chopped off (Dan calls it "bopsy") and grocery shopped. Big day out! Looking forward to many more to come.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I'm starting to memorize James 1 so here goes 2-4 from memory...

2 Dear brothers and sisters. (Whenever trials -oops) Whaterver trouble)come your way let it be an opportunity for joy. 3 For when your faith is tested (it is a chance for) your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, (and) for when your endurance is fully developed you will be strong in character and ready for anything. (NLT)

Ok, so I still have some work to do. Knowing something in NIV and switching to NLT is a chore...I now understand the stress on all those King James to NIV issues those "old" people have. (Hee Hee.)


I actually drove myself to and from the YFC office today! Wow. It was great to be back if only for a few hours.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds floatr across the sky, is hardly a waste of time." Sir J Lubbock.

Thanks Greg and Kathy for the card with the above quote. I am assuming then that spending hours watching the 4 baby Robins in the nest in the backyard is also not "idleness."

"Be still and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10.

Although I don't understand my "opportunities" to be still, I will do my best to make the most of them. To know God more.

Friday, June 8, 2007


(Psalm 27 Patti style)

Th Lord is my light, my salvation, and my protector
I wil not be afraid
I will remain confident
The one thing I desire most is to live in your house every day of my life
To delight in your holiness
To meditate on your word
When troubles come, in your sanctuary
I am safe, I will praue yo with sacrifices and joy
Listen to my cry and answer me
My heart has haerd you say "come and talk with me"
My heart responsds - "I am here"
If all athers abond me, Lord hold me close
Teach me to live in honesty
Your goodness is wiht me eery day of my life
I will be brave and courageous as I wait patiently for the Lord

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I felt like we had entered a computer ER-morgue all rolled into one. I sat and watched in trepedation as they did what began as surgery but ended up an otopsy on my beloved lap top. Crazy how totally dependant I have become on that thing. But...
I had backed up the hard drive to an external unit just two weeks ago and the final version of the follow up Bible study Trent and I had just finished was on it - YES!
Lost was the T-shirt design Ryan Bushnell and I had just done for the Smokies trip so my first task today is to recreat that.
So advice of the day. Back up your lap top every day!

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Today starts the graduation open houses tour. I think that means two weekends without having to cook!!!

Mallory- you are treasured. Thank you for choosing to spend much of your vacation time during your high school carrier out here in Sunfield with UD and I. We love you. But we are still tracking how much you owe us for the pleasure of our company and can't wait until you get rich and send that big fat check!!! And remember 1958.

My Prayer for you (and Jon, Kelsey, Jessica, and . . . )
"Lord from Your glorious, unlimited resources give her mighty inner strength through Your Holy Spirit. May Christ be more and more at home in her heart as she trusts in You. May her roots go down deep into the soil of Your marvelous love. And may she have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep Your love really is. May she experience the love of Christ, though it is so great she will never fully understand it. Then she will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from you Lord God. Glory be to You God! By Your mighty power at work within her, she is able to accomplish infinitely more than she would ever dare to ask or hope. To Your Glory. Amen" (From Eph 3:16-21)

Friday, June 1, 2007



Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Jennifer Flannigan, went into the presence of God for eternity after battle cancer.

Lord, may my Joy not come from an absense of suffering but from Your Presence in the midst of suffering.

Friday, May 25, 2007


My nephew had come down from Midland to apply for an Internship with YFC. He got the job as our "technology" Intern starting next September when he returns from spending the summer as a missionary in Russia. I wanted to treat him to a meal out before he headed home We headed to Red Robin, one of my favorite restaurants. Having been trapped at home for most of the last month is was a nice treat.

The plan. Eat. Bryson would go North from there and I would drive myself home, just 17 miles west. We had enjoyed out onion ring apppetizer (yes a slight diversion from my diet but rationalizing I did eat fish for my entre) and I had just finished a piece of fish, "I think we are in trouble" was close to the last inteligible words I got out before the wave of fatigue hit me like a brick wall. I was instantly nausious (Lord, please help me not throw up at the table). My head was spinning (Lord, please help me not to pass out).

The solution, Parents to the rescue. Bryce called and my mom and dad scurried over to drive me and my car home. (Thank You, I love you dearly!)

I knew I had over done (by several hours) but I was so enjoying the time with Bryson.

I didn't get off the couch the rest of the night.

So this morning I have fatigue head. I will have to take it slow...but that is least my life.

Lord, Thank you for the time that Bryson and I could spend together. Thank you for his gifts and abilities that match up so perfectly with a big need in our minstry. Thank you for parents who are willing to drop everything to rescue their half uncoscious daughter. Thank you that you still use me even in this condition. Thank you for the internet that allows me to continue working from home. And thank you for my "favorite" mother in law who just arrived to help out today. Love Patti

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I will...

Psalm 101 in Rhyme:


I will praise Your love and justice with song
be carful to do nothing wrong
I will live at home in integrity
vile and vulgar I will not see
I will not take part in the underhanded
reject pervese thoughts in my head
I will not put up with peoples trash talk
with conceit and pride, I won't walk
I will protect and support the godly
keep those above reproach near me
I will not hang out with those who decieve
from evil set Your people free

Forgive me when I fail
Thank You that each day is a new day
I can start fresh
and today I will...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Patti's Life verse

Hebrews 12:12&13
So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame will not stumble and fall but will become strong.