Friday, August 17, 2007

Slowin down

[Picture of Melee all gussied up for a wedding!]
I guess the increased activity of the last couple of weeks finally caught up with me. I came home early from work yesterday and crashed all night. I arranged to work from home today...good thing. I am very tired. So a couple days of rest are in order, I don't want a total crash and burn. I am thankful once again for the blessings of the internet and a lap top that I can use so that I can get some work done from the couch. It was great seeing my niece Rachelle (home from the Honor Academy in Texas for a couple of weeks) and Melee (who came home for the weekend to spend time with us and Rachelle). I had monday off so Rachelle and I could take Melee back up to Springhill. Melee gave us a tour, the place is an incredible camp. It made me wish I were a kid again! Well, my head is already foggy so I think I'm going to take a short nap before getting to work here.

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