Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I woke up last Thursday morning and that old "fatigue" had reared it's ugly head. I dragged myself to Verizon's with Donna to take care of a confusing phone Bill (what a surprise) and then off to Bible study at the office. But I just couldn't make it, I excused myself and headed to the "couch room" for a nap. I realized that I was not going to improve so I talked to Trent packed up a lap top and headed home. Well it's Wednesday and I still haven't been back to work. I did make it out Saturday night for Ryan and Cristi's wedding (My Boss Trent's son and one of our club directors)... it was wonderful. So, here I am again, at home, on the couch, working a couple hours, resting a couple hours, working an hour, resting and hour (repeat all day long). I try to trust the Lord, but it's hard. I can get myself caught up in worrying...what if I don't get better, what if I run out of sick days, what if I have to cut my hours or give up working...I don't want to have to sell our country home...

Then one of today's words from "Eerdmans Word Studies in te Greek New Testament, Vol III(a book Dan brought home and told me I might like so I've been reading it as part of my devotional time)was "WORRY". So here's what I got out of it. Combining Philippians 4:6&7 and 1 Peter 5:7 with the Greek meanings of the words worries and cares I came up with..."Stop perpetually worrying about any one thing. Pray about it. Tell God what you need and thank Him for what He has done. Decide not to worry but to trust Him will all your worries because your welfare is a concern to Him (God wants what is best for you.) Then you will experience God's peace that will guard your mind (thoughts from worry) and heart (emotions from fear) as you live in Christ.
MY PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I choose to stop worrying about my health and the financial consequences. You know what we need to live. Thank you for always providing for us. Thank you that Dan has had steady work. Thank you that I can work from home (my own lap-top would be nice though :)) Thank you that we have a wonderful place to live, loving pets, and plenty of food to eat. I know that you want what is best for Dan and I. So, I will choose to trust you and just do the best that I can each day. As you told me, "Do all that you can, no more than you should." And your peace will guard my mind (keep my thoughts form worry) and my heart (keep my emotions form fear) as I live in my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

As that great theological song says, "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY". Have a worry free trust filled day!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Slowin down

[Picture of Melee all gussied up for a wedding!]
I guess the increased activity of the last couple of weeks finally caught up with me. I came home early from work yesterday and crashed all night. I arranged to work from home today...good thing. I am very tired. So a couple days of rest are in order, I don't want a total crash and burn. I am thankful once again for the blessings of the internet and a lap top that I can use so that I can get some work done from the couch. It was great seeing my niece Rachelle (home from the Honor Academy in Texas for a couple of weeks) and Melee (who came home for the weekend to spend time with us and Rachelle). I had monday off so Rachelle and I could take Melee back up to Springhill. Melee gave us a tour, the place is an incredible camp. It made me wish I were a kid again! Well, my head is already foggy so I think I'm going to take a short nap before getting to work here.

Pictures of Clara Belle's visit

Clara when are you coming to visit again? Max misses having you to chase around and I need some cuddling! :) Oh and feel free to bring your people with you...we all enjoy them too!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Long time no blog

Ok Jodi - here ya go - since July 17 I've been...
BUSY that's why I haven't posted anything!
BUT I'm glad you care so...
...YFC has kept me hoping getting the Campus Life curriculum out for the fall. Just yesterday we put the finisthing touches on the video.
...So, I've pretty much been at YFC and then home on the couch...good thing Dan is good at feeding himself since he's on that low carb diet I don't really cook we just eat "whole" foods.
...I had a blast "dog sitting" for the Reeds (David and Lisa and the litter:) ). A little Puggle (Pug Beagle Mix). She was great to nap with. Would snuggle up with me. I loved it and Dan called her a rat dog ... but I would catch him playing with her. I'll post a couple pix later, I haven't down loaded them yet.
...We postponed the vacation we were suppose to be on this week...wich was a very good thing I guess the Lord knew ahead of time that I needed the time to work on the video. Dave Laing and Brian Haas and I muddled through and called Keith a lot.
...Well I'm going to pick up Melee from Spring Hill today for the weekend so I need to a nap before i leave in about an hour.

I promise to blog at least once a week. :)